general post


I’ve never had a lot of supporters in any of the projects I’ve done. At one point I was thinking maybe if I support other people’s work then they’ll support me apparently this isn’t the case. As of right now I’m not pressed about support because I get it, people don’t have to support anything that I do for whatever reason it may be. I’m still going to keep pressing forward no matter what, if I was doing this for recognition or popularity, I would’ve quit already. To the people that do support me by sharing my videos/content, subscribing or watching my youtube channel plus buying my book…..Thanks!! I can’t thankyou enough especially for buying my first book Stellar Hatch . I went through a very dark time in my life when that didn’t sell as much, and I get it that some people weren’t rocking with it because it wasn’t published by a major publishing company. My goal in anything that I do is to be independent to the best of my ability. I still feel some way about that book not doing as good as I wanted too because it was before its time and a lot of the information in it, is now mainstream. I wanted Stellar Hatch to usher in the existence of the “Deep Web” being that it was the only book at that time with information about the Deep Web and the result of this, is what contributed to me abandoning my second book Head over Heels. You can take that as an excuse if you want to but I didn’t want to go through what I went through with my first book again. Call it what you want, I’d rather gain traction or more traffic to this website before I finish another book. Thank you for your time .


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