In case your bored

SpyCast – “The Real Ian Fleming” with Nicholas Shakespeare

This website basically spawned off of the thrill of chasing information. Whether its knowing the unknown only to reveal it or revealing the known before it becomes mainstream, is something that rarely ever gets old. Growth by any means will always be a main goal at informationplug and with this being said two new categories have been introduced today: Follow up and In case your bored. ‘Follow up’ post are post where an article or post has a response to a prior post. ‘In case your bored’ post, are posts where the video content cointains hour long videos or more, which will be embedded in the post.

This interview was chosen to introduce two new categories because James Bond movies are dope plus most of the time; minus the lying part of spying, spies are after information. Information influnce’s decisions, decision’s are more significant then what they may seem and having information makes this process of deciding simple. Check out this lengthy interview about Ian Fleming provided by International Spy Museum.| May 30, 2024

International Spy Museum

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