  • walking up to the Goonies house in Astoria

    jacksrandomadventures walk’s up on the ‘Goonies’ house in Astoria, Oregon. | October 14, 2023 Related article: A Superfan Bought ‘The Goonies’ House for $1.65 Million—and He’s Kept the Movie Magic of the Home Alive for a Year

  • MTV Debut 8/1/81 Opening and 1st Video

    MTV launched in 1981 and if your keeping up with the times, Voyager 1 just communicated with NASA using a radio system from 1981. When it comes to these type of events, seeing what was going on, around that time, always bring forward something interesting…….| Video provided by DJ Mixtrix. August 1, 2024 1981 Hop out the DeLorean!!! (January 21) 🕊️🕊️🕊️(May 11) *Lockheed F-117 Nighthawk* First flight in Area 51 (Do you think people would of thought this to be a UFO??? June 18) I beat this game too!! (Donkey Kong is released July 9) It’s crazy how history repeats itself. It may not be exact but its close enough……

  • Voyager 1 15 Billion Miles Away and Still Talking1 Breaks Its Silence: #NASA #Voyager1 #Interstellar

    How relevant do you think A.I is? Im going to answer this question by asking Gemini a few questions: So from a Google Gemini perspective it would take 45.2 years to travel 15 billion miles. The launch date for Voyager 1 is September 5, 1977. Which puts Voyager 1 in space for 47 years. With this being the case, how relevant is A.I? Source: Voyager 1 loses contact with NASA, turns on retro transmitter not used since 1981

  • 11 Most disturbing Mysteries solved using Google Maps

    Google maps aint always about locations, pinning places and gps. Sometimes you might come across something else. The infographics show, gives you 11 mysteries solved using google maps. | July 6, 2024 Related articles: Absolutely game-changing Google Maps update will cut down on wrong turns Stealth Bomber Caught Mid-Flight in a Google Maps Photo

  • TikTok influencer exposes $50,000 offer to flip on Trump

    What you think? Besides the question it’s always good to see people choose their principle over bread. Confirmation of offer through email at 6:33 and video provided by Dom Lucre | October 30, 2024 Related article: Apple urged TikTok to increase its age recommendations, redacted documents show

  • Atlas Goes Hands On

    Boston Dynamics gives a glimpse of Atlas the fully autonomous robot. Do you ever think something like this could have a mind of its own? Even with that being asked, how long until this thing is toting a flamethrower like the robot dog? Not to throw shade or anything, just something worth asking in my opinion. | October 30, 2024 Related article: Hyundai Motor Group Completes Acquisition of Boston Dynamics from SoftBank

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